I am BUSY as a bee with the Christmas prep. Doh talk bout making pastelle, yuh boy is a PRO . I just needed to check up on the blog to make sure you'll know I am still on the map. I did want to say I am anticipating the BAKKANAL leading up to carnival as this will be my FIRST carnival with D' Blog on D' Block, and so, I will try to update you everyday, no promises.
I also wanted to leave you with a list of songs that are HOT for Carnival 2011, so here is the list :
1. Wine to the Side- Benjai*
2. Together - Jw and Blaze*
3. Middle of the Road - Destra ft Swappi*
4. Trini- Benjai*
5. All Out - Shal Marshall ft Screws
6. Dance and Dingolay- Denise Saucy Wow Belfon
7. My Bad thing - Chucky*
8. 3D Wine- Swappi ft Shal M.
9. Coming Again- Machel Montano HD*
10. Sweetness- Lil Bitts*
11. Tanti Woi - Blaxx
12. Mas and Wining- Patrice Roberts
13. Neighbour- Patrice Roberts ft Edwin Yearwood*
Note: I did not hear anything for the road, the songs that got asterisks is those that I enjoy.
Next time you will be hearing for me is most likely on Christmas day :D, on Boxing Day, I will be changing the blog into its first carnival costume. Look out for that, but all I can say is the costume is from A band with COLOUR.
I also wanted to leave you with a list of songs that are HOT for Carnival 2011, so here is the list :
1. Wine to the Side- Benjai*
2. Together - Jw and Blaze*
3. Middle of the Road - Destra ft Swappi*
4. Trini- Benjai*
5. All Out - Shal Marshall ft Screws
6. Dance and Dingolay- Denise Saucy Wow Belfon
7. My Bad thing - Chucky*
8. 3D Wine- Swappi ft Shal M.
9. Coming Again- Machel Montano HD*
10. Sweetness- Lil Bitts*
11. Tanti Woi - Blaxx
12. Mas and Wining- Patrice Roberts
13. Neighbour- Patrice Roberts ft Edwin Yearwood*
Note: I did not hear anything for the road, the songs that got asterisks is those that I enjoy.
Next time you will be hearing for me is most likely on Christmas day :D, on Boxing Day, I will be changing the blog into its first carnival costume. Look out for that, but all I can say is the costume is from A band with COLOUR.
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