Well, Saucy may not be feeling the carnival feeling but I am. As we head into the new year there are many things I am thankful and my list is as follow:
1) The gift of LIFE, without life, we would not be soo excited for the season(s) (Christmas and Carnival). We must thank God for us being here with each other to celebrate with each other what we enjoy doing.
2) Ronnie & Caro.. Yes, I am VERY thankful for them because without them, I would have never had the BEST experience on the road in the BEST costume. I KNOW that not only I can say that Ronnie & Caro did provide a GREAT experience no matter what people say.
3) Family.... Without them I would have NOTHING.... NUFF SAID
4) Saucy and Kris... Maybe I was RUDE in the past towards Saucy,but, I am really thankful for her. She was my inspiration for this blog. Kris was also there for me helping me and giving me pointers on how to work with this blog so that it is SUCCESSFUL. I salute you both and the rest of my supporters from the TCD Chabox.
5) My Sony VAIO...... My little baby .
6) EVERYBODY ELSE who helped me along the way. I could not have done it without you !!