Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Year

Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas !!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Check it Out

I also wanted to leave you with a list of songs that are HOT for Carnival 2011, so here is the list :
1. Wine to the Side- Benjai*
2. Together - Jw and Blaze*
3. Middle of the Road - Destra ft Swappi*
4. Trini- Benjai*
5. All Out - Shal Marshall ft Screws
6. Dance and Dingolay- Denise Saucy Wow Belfon
7. My Bad thing - Chucky*
8. 3D Wine- Swappi ft Shal M.
9. Coming Again- Machel Montano HD*
10. Sweetness- Lil Bitts*
11. Tanti Woi - Blaxx
12. Mas and Wining- Patrice Roberts
13. Neighbour- Patrice Roberts ft Edwin Yearwood*
Note: I did not hear anything for the road, the songs that got asterisks is those that I enjoy.
Next time you will be hearing for me is most likely on Christmas day :D, on Boxing Day, I will be changing the blog into its first carnival costume. Look out for that, but all I can say is the costume is from A band with COLOUR.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
What are your Christmas Plans
Monday, December 6, 2010
KFC Snack Pack = $28.00
Japs Snack Pack = $20.00
Friday, December 3, 2010
Vote Of Thanks
Well, Saucy may not be feeling the carnival feeling but I am. As we head into the new year there are many things I am thankful and my list is as follow:
1) The gift of LIFE, without life, we would not be soo excited for the season(s) (Christmas and Carnival). We must thank God for us being here with each other to celebrate with each other what we enjoy doing.
2) Ronnie & Caro.. Yes, I am VERY thankful for them because without them, I would have never had the BEST experience on the road in the BEST costume. I KNOW that not only I can say that Ronnie & Caro did provide a GREAT experience no matter what people say.
3) Family.... Without them I would have NOTHING.... NUFF SAID
4) Saucy and Kris... Maybe I was RUDE in the past towards Saucy,but, I am really thankful for her. She was my inspiration for this blog. Kris was also there for me helping me and giving me pointers on how to work with this blog so that it is SUCCESSFUL. I salute you both and the rest of my supporters from the TCD Chabox.
5) My Sony VAIO...... My little baby .
6) EVERYBODY ELSE who helped me along the way. I could not have done it without you !!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
We Ready ?
1)Soka in Moka tickets are now on sale at ONLY $450.00 TT
2) Costume are POPPIN UP on FineAhBan
3) Bands Selling Out
4)Ladies booking make up appointments and FINALLY
5)Soca music PUMPING
So I hope yuh have yuh costume, foot wear in ah gear, all appointments made and yuh have yuh 'Palance Fund'. If is that yuh in ah gear !!
Friday, October 29, 2010
We Reach D stage
DKrewe registration is now open BOTH online and at the mascamp. Legacy website will be launched on Wednesday 3rd November 2010.
Sections are selling out, and I heard that Saucy of TCD is in Bliss' Titans :) Here are a list of SOLD OUT sections : Ronnie and Caro
Save The Earth Go Green - Female floor and frontline SOLD OUT
Island People
Saturn Bliss - Individual and Frontline SOLD OUT
Nebular's Hypnosis - Frontline SOLD OUT
Mar's Secret - Female SOLD OUT
Meteor Burst - Frontline SOLD OUT
Vega - Female floor member and frontline SOLD OUT
Lunar Cycle - Male Capitan SOLD OUT
Brian Mc Farlane
Giving and Receiving - Female SOLD OUT
Ametrine - SOLD OUT
Goldstone - SOLD OUT
Howlite - SOLD OUT
Azurite - SOLD OUT
Aquamarine - Female SOLD OUT
Turquoise in Matrix - Female SOLD OUT
Chryscolla - Female- SOLD OUT
Helidoor - Frontline -SOLD OUT
Rhodocrosite - Female -SOLD OUT
Gilia - Frontline SOLD OUT
Dream Team
Bom Bassa - SOLD OUT
People do not forget the band for the BEST Carnival 2011 Experience is Ronie&Caro....FunFuhSO and as I like to say: BETTER VIBE.......No TRIBE....Ronnie&Caro...Mass in yuh Rass...FunFuhSO
Also people, we here in Trinidad AND Tobago are forseeing some bad weather patterns so to all my people BE SAFE
Friday, October 22, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Saturday in de air !!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Sucessful Band... Tips to the band leader! Part 1
1. Choosing a THEME: It is a fact that a theme helps to create a VIBE on the public. Choosing a theme is REALLY important and also choosing the RIGHT one because you do not want a theme where you make 5 prototypes and yuh just can't vision the next 5, because it is IMPORTANT you stick to your theme and create a storyline.
2. Your LAUNCH: There are many factors you MUST consider when it comes to you launch, the mos important is the date. To ensure you get MAXIMUM media at the launch, DO NOT launch on the same day as another band !! WORSE YET if you are a small band like (Eg. Genesis) and you launch same day as a MUCH bigger band like Tribe. Models also help, ensure your models can WORK the costumes enough to have people wanting to register on launch night.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
The Carnival Fever

Saturday, September 18, 2010
The Right Costume and Band
THE RIGHT COSTUME: Now, this depends on you, your body size and shape. Always watch EVERY SINGLE DETAIL on the costume, if possible go to the mas camp and enquire about what you are uncertain about. So I hope you use my advice as best as you possibly can, because I HATE to See people unhappy with the costume and the band they choose. After all you are paying your 10 cents. I personally recommend Ronnie&Caro for the BEST experience and the best costume. PLEASE email me if you have any other questions.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Priceee Sister is Missing.....Please Help
Rachel Price: My sister is missing. Her name is ALANA PRICE...she was last seen on Monday night wearing a green top & black 3/4 pants. She's Down's Syndrome and manic depressive and in need of her medication. ANYONE seeing her or knows where she is PLEASE CALL 350-0604...( no sympathy calls please).. ALANA is loved, wanted and needed at home...bless...
The Mass and Marse....
I just HATE to hear people RUN THEY MOUTH like water and they talking utter none sense. I see all aspects of our culture DURING the Carnival season and on carnival Monday. It still have the Pan, the Jouvert, The Ole Time Characters, The Calypso and everything else. So think before yuh talk nah !!
Smoke Pollution Footwear finds
D New Look

The Decision
I also have to ask, which section allyuh like for Blogger Boy?
Between : Guardian Angel
Fire on the Hills
Global Warming
Go Green
LOVE ALL but I have more love for those !! Help yuh boy choose ....
Friday, September 3, 2010
Yuh boy went ZEN
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Foot Wear Finds- Bushfire

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Footwear finds for the Guardian Angel

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Ronnie & Caro The (Costume) Review

Guardian Angel : I LOVE this section, I see not a FAULT in it. I am actually convincing my mom to play in this section but she is not a fan of a white costume. Other than that GREAT COSTUME, love the whole idea of the section and I think this will be the Africa of the Survivors.
Fire on the Hills : Never enough heat in Ronnie & Caro, this section is TOTALLY on fire and may burn the whole of Port of Spain down, come Carnival Tuesday. The male has too much bib, but I think it is what some male want, after all they cater for EVERYONE.
Go Green : I think I going green with this one. I like the bush effect and the combination of greens used in this costume. Go green was also worn by Caro on the front of the Costume Booklet.
SURVIVAL OF THE MEXICAN AZTEC DANCERS aka The Guest section : This section is produced and designed by Ken Defratis. The costume is a really nice yellow, and I sure the sun will have a time. It is a WONDERFUL costume, and I think alot of thought was put into it, just by hearing the name.
Global Warming : What could I say, beside a beautiful BABY pink costume contrasted with gold ?
Tsunami : My mom's favourite and my second favourite (nobody could beat that Guardian Angel). This seems like it will surely sell out as fast as Guardian Angel. Definately a wonderful costume but I never see a blue costume I don't like.
Earthquke : I expected a dust grey colour from Earthquke or even Island People's fvourite colour, d' beige colour (yuh know what ah mean). After all, this looked great and maybe was inspired by Hati.
Smoke Pollution : The models worked this sections from the pictures I saw, and the SOLD IT right OUT. I like this costume and I'm sure it will be a hit.
Bird Flu : Neither here nor there with me, but it's pink, so the ladies will surely gravitate towards it.
Carnival : Lots of bands ain't SURVIVED carnival (RIP all the bands who died BTW whey Evolution and Skandal Us). Really nice costume and the male was really nice, I love the idea of Uncle Ronnie's signature accessory at Carnival time, his hat.
All in all GREAT presentation by Ronnie & Caro. All d' bad talk my band get, be sure to remember that they won Medium Band of the Year, three years in a row (since inception in 2008).
For the pics and section names, vistit Kris @http://www.trinidadevents.com/2010/08/ronnie-and-caro-post-band-launch.html
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Ronnie & Caro in de Air
Look What I Found

Ronnie and Caro, we LOVE and Support you ALWAYS and forever.
Ronnie & Caro

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Me Is Back
Legacy unvailed its South Pacific, 2k11 .
Then Island People has registration info :
Friday 27th August,2010 - PUBLIC VIEWING: 11:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday 28th August, 2010 -Past Masqueraders Registration ONLY: 12 Noon - 4:00pm
Monday 30th August, 2010 - Past Masqueraders Registration ONLY: 11:00am - 6:00pm
Tuesday 31st August, 2010 - CAMP CLOSED - PUBLIC HOLIDAY
Wednesday 1st September, 2010 - Public Registration - OPEN: 11:00am - 6:00pm
Mas camp has now moved to 50 O'Connor Street in Woodbrook, Port-of-Spain, which is at the corner of O'Connor Street and Warren Street.
The new telephone numbers are: 622-8145 and 622-9857.
email: info@islandpeoplemas.com
Monday, August 23, 2010
Ms Universe 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010
Try this new cocktail.
Shake the ingredients well with ice and strain into a tumbler.
Top up with soda water. Add ice cubes if liked.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
New Blog On D' Block
Twilight Phenom
Friday, August 20, 2010
Island People !! They Working
Also Check Saucy on Twitter @http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fcarnivaldiary&h=6634f
We Are READY !!

- Live Media Stream @http://www.triniscene.com/tsv7/stream/
- Updates from Saucy on Twitter @http://twitter.com/carnivaldiary and the blog, Trinidad Carnival Diary.com
- Don't forget, to continue checking us out here for the LATEST "BAKKANAL" in Trinidad's Carnival @http://blogondblock.blogspot.com/2010/08/island-people.html
Island People

Can't make it to the launch ? Well let ye heart not be worried, Triniscene has YOUR Back. Triniscene will be broadcasting LIVE from 11:00 @http://www.triniscene.com/tsv7/stream/.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Island People's Sneak Peak
I think the name of the section is *Carnival*
Yes, I am loving it
Where is the male costume ?
YUMA Prices
Backline $3,490 + $600 for lg headpiece
No frontline
Backline $3,690
Frontline $ 4,990
Backline $3390
Backline $3190
Backline $3,690
Frontline $4,790 + $1200 Backpack
Backline $3,690
Frontline $4,990 + $1200 Backpack
Backline $3,490
Frontline $4,290
Backline $3,190
Frontline , including lg headpiece and shoulder $3,790
2PC Backline $3,290
Monokini backline $3,490
Backline $3,690
Frontline $4,790
Backline $3,690
Frontline $4,290 (no backpack)
Backline $3,490
Frontline $4,790 (with backpack)
Backline $ 3,290 +$700 collar
Frontline $4,990
Downpayments are $1800 for frontline and backline is $1200.All wire bras are for Individual costumes, price upon request
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Spice Website
With the website and the theme I can finally see the costumes coming together. A far cry from my first impression from their Launch.
Back to School

So the beginning of the new school year is almost here. I am excited to see my mad ass friends back at Puna Sec. Today, since everybody thinks I will make a child first, I covered my little cousin's school books and labeled her stuff. I am SO excited because I am not going to buy a new Jan sport bag, but AIRBRUSH one of my two that I all ready own.
Airbrushing bags can make it look newer at a more reasonable price.
Back to school also means back to the waking up early to beat the traffic and encountering some DIFFICULT teachers. So what did YOU do to prepare for BACK TO SCHOOL for you or your children.
Monday, August 16, 2010
D Bakkanal

Well, I was reading the Chat Box where I saw Yuma's facebook question. This question had me and my family on the floor with laughter. YUMA, if rains fall on Carnival Monday or Tuesday there is NOTHING you can do beside JUMP UP. According to Destra, if the rain fall it better we more. What you will do YUMA, attach tapolin to the trucks, give us towels or even a hoodie. The best suggestion is Fletch Dry powder in our Goodie Bags.
The Question : Yuma Vibe YUMA's! How are we today? A little cold at the office with all this rain? Maybe you're at home wrapped up under your blanket with a cup of hot chocolate. Rain affects us all differently. But I think we can all agree that we hate it to rain on Carnival Monday and Tuesday. That being said, do you think that a Carnival band should make provisions for rainfall? If so, how?
NOW TO TRIBE: Our policy has always been to give our loyal masqueraders and past masqueraders preference in the costume sign-up process. All remaining costumes are then placed on sale to anyone who wishes to play, based on availability. It would be unfair for us to disregard our loyal masqueraders who support us every year.
All I have to say is THINK I EASY TO DEAL WITH!!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
I LOVE you and the Chatbox natives Sauce.
Happy Sunday
Well Harts launched their presentation, Planet Rock yesterday at the Trinidad Country Club. Their website was up and running in RECORD BREAKING time, with all information except registration. Harts did a REALLY good job with those costumes. Harts is THE family band where granny, uncle, grandpa and EVERYONE else in the family can find a costume. So they got a five out of five swords from me in the costume aspect, their prices will be judged when they come out.
Also, Prince Namor of Trinidad Carnival Diary's chat box is not feeling to well so we ask that God puts a hand on Prince Namor.
Sunday Lunch was really tasty today so here is a taste.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Easy, Rainy Saturday

What is up with Saturdays ?? They are very gloomy and boring but luckily, Harts will be launching their 2011 presentation, Planet Rock. From the what I saw, I am continuously asking, who killed more Peacocks ? Well for live updates from Country Club, check out Saucy Sauce @ Trinidad Carnival Diary.com. Leaving you with a teaser.
Friday, August 13, 2010
The BIG Deal

So people I was away for some time and while away BACCHANAL just decided to have a time. Starting with TRIBE Registration, then a TEASER from Harts' 2011 presentation *Planet Rock* (between Harts and Spice i don't know who killed more peacocks) and the controversy that cause shock waves ALL OVER THE WORLD, Ms Trinidad&Tobago 2010, Ms Latoya Woods who is the MAIN purpose of this post.
It was ALL over the that Ms Trinidad&Tobago 2010, Ms Latoya Woods posed TOPLESS for an OFFICIAL Ms Universe photo shoot. This photo according to Ms Woods was done very tastefully, she also said that she was covered in latex body pain and her nipples were not visible. When I heard the news, I personally thought this was a next Anya Ayoung-Chee case, but when I saw the official picture had a GREAT steups. Now tell me, why did some people make this big deal out of it when Ms Woods was doing it officially for the Ms Universe franchise ? Also to mention, that she was not the only one. According to Ms Woods, BAD PUBLICITY IS ALSO GOOD, and I fully agree. Ms Wood I wish you all the best and I want you to know that we support you to the fullest.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Pretty costume UGLY Prices- TRIBE

Well TRIBE has finally launched the prices for their 2011 costumes. All I have to say is it is TOTALLY ridiculous. From what I see, TRIBErsss are not quite pleases seeing that most of the costumes comes with a headband and not a headpiece. So check out the prices.
Mayan Eagle
Regular Female - 3950.00
Frontline - 5995.00
Male - 2895.00
Regular Female - $3825.00
Large Headpiece - $280.000 extra
Male - $2975.00
Xi An
Regular Female - $3750.00
Large Headpiece - $450.000 extra
Frontline - $5650.00
Male - $2975.00
Regular Female - $3925.00
Frontline - $5495.00
Male - $2950.00
Persian Gold
Regular Female - $3750.00
Large Headpiece - $450.000 extra, Collar $650.00 extra
Frontline - $5850.00
Male - $2975.00
Regular Female - $3695.00
Large Headpiece - $300.00 extra
Male - $2895.00
Masai Tribal Warriors
Regular Female - $3895.00
Male $2875.00
Regular Female -$3795.00
Large Headpiece - $275.00 extra
Male - $2775.00
Knights Templar
Regular Female - $3725.00
Large Headpiece - $450.00 extra
Frontline - $5295.00
Male - $2695.00
Mongol Fighters
Regular Female - $3875.00
Large headpiece - $200.0 extra
Frontline - $4950.00
Male - $2795.00
Arctic Warriors
Regular Female - $3750.00
Large Headpiece - $200.00 extra
Male - $2785.00
Monday, August 9, 2010
I Won.. Kris is Going
Good Morning My Dear Friends

Good Morning my dear friends, how was your Band launch filled weekend ? Did YUMA make you figure out your sign ? Or is Spice still making you feel sorry for their HORRIBLE Signature Collection ? Well well well, I will do a YUMA review, since all of their costumes indeed HOT, but Spice, well boy !!!!!!
So remember people, keep God in you heart and in your mind, prepare for a YUMA review and keep on coming to your Blog On D Block. Also check Saucy at TrinidadCarnivalDiary.com, for all the latest Carnival Info.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
WTF Was Spice thinking ?
Please check out TrinidadCarnivalDiary.com for all the latest photos and carnival 2011 Bacchanal.
Arima Borough Day, Wet Fete, Laventille Pan Fest,YUMA ALL OVER

So you maybe said where was BloggerBoy for all this time ? Well I was just here enjoying my weekend. It started with Arima Borough Day on Saturday then to the Boom Champions Wet Fete where I got SOAKED. I arrived back home around mid night with the rest of the family. Sunday was restful until around four o' clock when we prepared for the Laventille Pan Fest where we had a blast. The family and I again nah, o gosh we foot HOT.
Well while I was out YUMA launched. From what I saw so far, I am liking Aquarius (my horoscope), Leo and Scorpio. They are very VEGAS and BLINGY, they look like they will give some bands a run for their money ESPECIALLY SPICE. Saying Spice, they HARDLY got any media at their band launch. Spice, next time invite Blog On D Block and you will prosper with your Signature Collection.
This is BloggerBoy saying bye for now !
Friday, August 6, 2010
Shades of the Universe Tickets

So I happened to be on facebook when Island People said on their fan that at 12noon they would give a free ticket to their band launch if you answer the question correct. Here is the post:
ISLANDpeople Mas Hey Everyone, we are having a ticket giveaway today! Yup, you seeing correctly, today at NOON you have a chance to win a ticket to our band launch on the 20th August. Simply answer a trivia question about ISLANDPEOPLE MAS and whoever is the first to answer correctly wins a ticket. That simple. REMEMBER you have to become a fan to qualify!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Body

I ALWAYS wanted to be a model but had the face JUST not the body. It is soo hard to find time beside during the vacation for the gym. I REALY want to try and get the body or even a job offer as a PLUS SIZE male model. Everyboday says I have BABY fat but I want BIG BABY MUSCLE like Trey Songz. I want to be able to play mass with NO vest, under my costume or go to the beack and not wear a vest. I am very insecure about my 130lbs, but just don't know HOW the get that TREY SONGZ body !!! Plastic surgery at home may be an option because sometimes I feel to take the knive and carve my stomach !!
Please share with me ways of getting THE BODY as a comment !
Photo courtesy : Vibe magazine
Fragrance of the Day

Yesterday, I was unable to have a Designer Fragrance of the Day because I was busy. So this morning, I woke up early to do my post. Today's fragrance really goes with Summer and it is by Calvin Klein BTW my bottle of this fragrance fell and broke into PIECES.
I present to you, your fragrance of the day : CK1 Summer
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Ronnie&Caro 2011

So we all know that I personally play with Ronnie&Caro and that I support them to the FULLEST. So it is no surprise that I will give them a LITTLE corner on my blog. Ronnie&Caro will present Survivors for Trinidad Carnival 2011. For those of you who want a PEEK, there will be NONE because of the HUGE leakage of costume pictures from their 2010 presentation. Ronnie&Caro came on the scene as a section, then to a band in 2008 presenting D' Gulf. D' Gulf gave the designer Caro better known as Caroline, a chance to show us D' Gulf of Paria in all it's splendour.Sections included, Scarlet Ibis, Jelly Fish, Down D' Islands, Treasure, De Mang and many other art pieces. Ronnie&Caro did not disappoint and proved it by copping Medium Band of the Year.
Ronnie&Caro stepped back onto the scene in 2009 with their presentation 'BAKKANAL', which was simply a compilation of the Bacchanal that goes on in Trinidad Carnival. Sections from this presentation included: Chutney Monarch, Calypso Fiesta, Panorama, Cock Fight, Blue Devils, Soca monarch and many other 'Bakkanal' oriented things in Trinidad carnival. They also were able to take Medium Band of the Year for a second time.
This year, the brought you 'Tribute', Tribute honoured the great Trinidadian mas men with names like: Peter Minshall, George bailey, Edmon and Lil Hart, Diamond Jim, Harold Saldenah, Wayne Barkley and others. Those mas men all had one VERY MEMORABLE presentation that was made highlighted, these sections were: Africa, Humming Bird, City of Gold, Saucy in the Market Place, Fancy Sailors, We Kinda People, Fun Lovers, Fire Bird and Boccou Reef. This presentation gave Ronnie&Caro their well deserved hat trick.
2011 Will bring 'Survivors'. Survivors will be launched on August 28Th at St Johns hall. I am 100% SURE that Ronnie&Caro will NOT disappoint. Survivors, Ronnie&Caro 2011 'Fun Fuh So'.
For my ladies !
Sisterspleasures Corbin : The reasonable Way to outfit yourself !
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
We Are Open Baby- Oasis

So I may be late but, I got an Fb-Mail from Oasis Carnival reading :
The wait is finally over. We at Oasis have the pleasure of officially opening our doors to you for viewing of costumes and registration.
The Mas Camp @ 32 Rosalino St. is now open from 11am till 6pm Monday to Friday.
The website is coming very soon and we'll keep you posted!!!!
The price listing in $TT is as follows:
Golden Eagle
Frontline - $3,895
Female - $2,995
Male - $2,295
Ghost Flower
Frontline - $3,700
Female - $2,995
Male - $2,295
Frontline - $3,999
Regular - $2,995
Male - $2,400
Frontline - $3,950
Female - $2,995
Male - $2,350
Frontline - $4,095
Female - $2,950
Male - $2,350
Downpayment:- $1200 Frontline; $900 Regular
Looking forward to getting you geared up for a great Carnival 2011. You won't go thirsty at an Oasis!!
216 more days!
"I love it...do you?"
500 hits and more !!

Today while on lunch I said let me check how many hits I have and to my surprise, I have 563 hits in less than two weeks. My readers, i am so grateful for your love and continued support and with your help I am sure, we will make this blog the Blog on every one's block. I must thank my readers who I know support me from the Trinidad Carnival Diary chat box. Names like Kris, Natty, Dino, Mimi, Ms Bunny, The Sauce and all others.
The Sauce, this could not be possible without you so Thank you and much love. Also sorry for the bad times we had ! I also hope you accept me back into the chatbox.
Do not forget to palance over to the blog, Trinidad carnival Diary.com
Live from camp- Fragrances
Monday, August 2, 2010
About Tomorrow's Post
Much Love...
Getting Fit for 2011
Part 1: Join a spin class for about 3-4 days a week, don't wait until January to join. JOIN NOW
Part 2: Take jugs and runs on the days that you do not have spin classes.
Part 3: JUST EAT RIGHT, don't skip any meals JUST balance them properly. Less KFC more Salads. Don't fry, grill your food instead. Walk with your own lunch to avoid having to buy unhealthy FAST FOOD, walking with lunch can also help you save money for : Fete tickets, Pay for a costume or even FRONT LINE COSTUME, Fete Clothing and Accessories
NB Those of you who have the Wii System can use it to help get fit.
Achieve the Trey Songz abbs and the Faye Ann body !!
My Collection

OK, my uncle bought a cologne for me and I just HAD TO SAY I LOVED it. When I sprayed it on myself I was on Cloud Nine. I can't find such words to describe this atomic crazy wild scent by Tommy Hilfiger. Tommy does have a wide variety of scents but this one is just great. Going with my theme, Designer Fragrance of the Day this fragrance is just GREAT also seeing that I will only do that segment until Sunday coming, I HAVE to post this Tommy. So Sunday will be the last of desinger fragrances and I will start "Nike of the Day". Without further due I present TOMMY by Tommy Hilfiger for Him
Little Angel

I know some people think that I am a loose RASCAL, but if you know me you will know that I am just CRAZY and MAD as hell. I do not give trouble, actually my mom knows I am mad and like to talk ALOT but otherwise the teachers have no problem, they all say i have lots of potential and needs to focus.I try my best to keep my grades high up. I have made mistakes in my life, which I now regret. Let's face it, EVERYONE makes mistakes and I did at one point. I really hope I can be forgiven but it seems as though "The Sauce" will dwell on the pass and never forgive. So again, I am sorry. To all my readers, your boy will NOT let you down again and much thanks again for reading. Kris, Natty, Dino, Ms Bunny, Celeb and the WHOLE Trinidad Carnival Diary chat box crew thank you for reading.
Why I Love Allyuh !!
Finally !!!
Some people asked what date of birth I was going to use to get into TRIBE. My answer is I was not going to use my date of birth or any of my identity for registration in TRIBE/BLISS. So I think my decision is made now it is just to choose my costume !
Sunday, August 1, 2010
TCD's Chatbox after dark
Desinger Fragrance of the Day
A Late Review
Monday, surprisingly, we were all early. We met the band infront of the mascamp where I took one for the road (a Battery) then chipped the day through. When we reaced by the savannah, I MASHED up the stage with my PALANCE. At about 6:30 we headed out of Port of Spain.
Tuesday was my day, although my feet were killing me. I airbrushed my face carnival Sunday so that was less of my worries. The house was full, so there was enough help for everyone to adjust their costume. Before jumping in the maxi, the sprayed me with glitter and sun screen. When we arrived into Port of Spain, the band was now getting ready to line up so I had breakfast seeing that I did not sleep or eat. Breakfast was a HOT bake and shark and of course drinks as you go. Our FIRST judging point was Downtown. We wowed the judges, ALL costumes were SUPERSTARS on the road.
We slowly worked our way up to the savannah but was blocked by Island People & Tribe. We made the best of it. The staff served Pizza, Sussage Rolls, Pies, Lollies and MANY other snacks. I made use of the NON ALCHOLIC bar and the lollies. After crossing the savannah we had lunch at the Woodbrook Park. Last point was The Avenue when the band started to break up.
After all Ronnie&Caro is THE ULTIME MEDIUM BAND EXPERIENCE and I will reccomend them TO ANYBODY !!! Here is a picture of me before we crossed the Savannah that my dad took!
Thanks !

I MUST say thank you to my main readers from the TCD Chatbox : Kris, MsBunny, KayKitty,MiMi,Natty,tribee,(¯`'•.¸♥¸.•'´¯), Saucy aka The Sauce and Many others who know themselves. Thank you soo very much for all the LOVE and Support. To those who hate, find something better to do like take a page out of my reader's books.